(left to right, my sister, Carli, Me, Tyson and our friend Scott George.)
Our half marathon is now behind us. All in all, it wasn't too bad. My morning started at 4:30am! I had to get some things done before we left our neighbor with the kids. I owe my friend Deb Sadler big time! She got to our house at 5:30am and stayed with the kids while we left for our race. I told her just to have Tanner and Tyler get dressed and the two younger boys were fine in their pj's. When I met up with them after the we finished, all four kids were dressed and ready for the day. Those who wanted to eat, had eaten and she was a pro! You'd think she had many kids of her own. I'm just glad she offered to help us out. My mom was supposed to have the kids, but had some last minute things that were more important, come up.
Anyway, we heard the gun shot for the start of the race, but no one was in a big hurry to go, as there were 10,000 people that had to get across the start line. They have foot chips now that start your time when you cross the start line and finish when you obviously cross the finish line. I kept a steady pace of 6.5 miles an hour. My sister Carli was close behind and Tyson schooled us all and didn't even wait for us to start the race. I didn't see him until the race was over. Tyson finished in 1:41 and I finished 2:about 6minutes. I'm not sure on my real time as I they haven't posted the official results yet and I forgot to start my watch as I crossed the start line. Tyson started his on time so he's sure of his time.
The kids also had their own marathon they were signed up for. Only problem was we were on the other side of the Gateway when they announced two minutes to the kids marathon. WHAT?!? So we booked it over to the start line for them, just in time to see the last of the kids come through the finish line. We were upset for a minute, but then I took the kids by the hand and told them we didn't need someone to tell us when to run, so we just took off. Tyson and I were very impressed with both kids. We didn't have to tell either one of them to keep going, they both kept up with my crippled pace and they crossed the finish line. They were even recognized by the announcer as we crossed and got their own medal as well. And now we sit around the rest of the day because no one can walk anymore. I don't know how people do full marathons! Tyson's trying to talk me into one...we'll see. By the way, the first place full marathoner, ran the 26.2 miles in 2:16!!!
The Best Home Fries Recipe
4 months ago
Wow! Good job. That's amazing.
I'm so proud of you guys. What a feather in everyone's cap. Tanner and Tyler are amazing as well. What a great family tradition.
One more thing. Even though it looks like I bailed, it wasn't that I had something more important. It just over ruled.
Great times guys!
We are so impressed!!
That's awesome! One of my friends is trying to get me to run a half marathon with her after our babies to help get us back in shape. I have no idea how to train for one! 26 miles seems like an eternity to run too so you definitely get props!
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