I'm at my wits end trying to figure out how to get a video posted to this blog, without it freezing towards the end of downloading it. So I've caved in and joined the YouTube crowd in hopes that this will actually work. So here is the explanation of the video. We took the kids to see Kung Fu Panda when it first came out in theaters. First off, its a cute movie, one that Santa will be leaving at our house for Christmas. Jake really took to this movie and now, if you ask him to show you his kung Fu, he'll do a little heya and kick his leg. So that is the video. As you can see when you watch it, he wasn't wanting to perform, you wouldn't either if your mom was in your face with the camera two minutes after waking up in the morning. Sorry Jake. Anyway, he'll also do a hulk smash, or as he calls it, mash. Anyway, lets hope this works thing time. Enjoy!
The Best Home Fries Recipe
4 months ago
Thats too cute, Jake cracks me up. I have to say you are way ahead of me, my poor kids don't even have pumpkins yet, ha ha. I think it's funny that you have been trying to get your kids to suck their thumbs and I have been trying to make sure that with my kids that doesn't happen ha ha.
Well hello my dear. I found your blog through Chaunda's who I found through Becky's. Your kids are so stinkin' cute I was very impressed with Jake's kick.
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