We made it through another week. This week wasn't so bad, Saturday we actually had some breathing room. I actually got my grocery shopping done on Saturday instead of having to wait until Monday. I don't mind shopping on Monday's but its a lot better to only have the baby with me. We actually went to bed last night to a very clean house. The only thing that didn't get done, was folding the laundry, which takes its own precious time to get done. I HATE folding laundry, it seriously is the bane of my existence!! If anyone wants to torture me, just put me in front of an endless line of laundry needing to be folded!!
Right now we are on the count down to the kids being off track.
Yes, we have one week of school left before three weeks of craziness.
And I'm not quite sure how I'm going to get anything done with four kids home.
Not that I don't love my kids, but it sure is a lot easier to run errands when I only have Jake and Jefferson. The good news...Jefferson will be three months on the 4th, so I'll be able to take all of the kids to the gym! Happy Day!! And long overdue. I never thought I'd get to the point in my life where I would miss working out so much. I'm just going to have to hope that Jefferson can handle being with the daycare for two hours. We'll see how he does.
Friday night, Tyson spoiled me and took me on a date that was focused 100% on the things I would enjoy. We went to Body Worlds. Let me just tell you, it was amazing! After that we went to dinner at this very good and very expensive restaurant. Flemming's Steak House. Mmmm Good. He had a gift certificate given to him at Christmas last year and he wanted to keep going while I was pregnant, but I told him I wanted to wait so I could actually eat the food and enjoy it. And that we did! It wasn't a cheap night, but very worth it.
Anyway, I'm posting some random pictures. Mostly just Jefferson, because he's getting so big! I pulled the saucer up from the basement and while he sits in it fine, he really just tolerates it at this point. He's still a little wobbly to really enjoy it and doesn't quite know what to do with the toys. He'll grow into it thought. I'm not quite sure what Tyler and Jake were doing, but I do know they wanted in on the pictures as well. Jake loves that Jefferson is on his level while in this little toy.
Check out the chunky arms!!
Jefferson has discovered his hands and they are always in his mouth now!
The Best Home Fries Recipe
4 months ago
No pix! Just thought I'd let you know.
Camber I'm glad I found your blog! Jessi found mine and then off of her's I found yours! I just love your family, you have the cutest kids ever!
I think Jefferson looks perfectly healthy! Fluffy muscles and extra chins are normal, right?
Thanks for your comment! I had no idea you had a blog!
Hey! How are you?! I ran into Mindy today and she said you had a blog! YAY! I'm a little obsessed with blogging.
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