Friday, December 30, 2011
Posted by tclybb at 9:21 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Playing catch up...
Holy cow! I've totally fallen off the face of the earth when it comes to updating this blog! Tyson even mentioned something about posting something on the blog and then laughed and said, "who am I kidding, you never update the blog!" So, I should probably get a move on it and update. I'll just highlight some things from each month with some pictures and we'll call it good. Lucky for who ever reads this that I had the worst camera only up until June when Tyson got a really nice camera for his birthday and then I started taking more pictures. So here goes...

Posted by tclybb at 9:47 PM 1 comments
Friday, January 28, 2011
Food For Thought
I wish I could take credit for this, but I can't. I saw it on a desk at Jordan High School while getting our exchange student registered and had to take a picture of it so I could remember it. I laugh out loud every time I read it! Enjoy!
Food For Thought
In this life I'm a woman, in my next life, I'd like to come back as a bear
When you're a bear, you get to hibernate. You do nothing but sleep for six months. I could deal with that.
Before you hibernate, you're supposed to eat yourself stupid. I could deal with that, too.
When you're a girl bear, you birth your children (who are the size of walnuts) while you're seeping and wake to partially grown,
cute cuddly cubs. I could definitely deal with that.
If you're a mama bear, everyone knows you mean business. You swat anyone who bothers your cubs.
If your cubs get out of line, you swat them too. I could deal with that.
If you're a bear, your mate EXPECTS you to wake up growling.
He EXPECTS that you will have harry legs and excess body fat.
YUP! Gonna be a bear.
Posted by tclybb at 8:50 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 1, 2011
As cool as that date is to write, nothing much happened on this day in our history.
It's a new year with new resolves and new ambitions that will probably hit the wayside a week or two into 2011, but it's a time for a fresh start and to try and be better. Why we choose Jan. 1st to put all this pressure on ourselves, I'll never know, but year after year, we do...I do.
Last week after our main lesson for Family Home Evening, I gave the kids a "teaser" for this upcoming Family Home Evening. I told them that it's a new year, and with that, we make goals, things we can work on or accomplish for the next year. I told them first we have to have a goal, then we need to write it down and next tell others so we can have their help in accomplishing those goals. With that in mind, I'm writing down my goals for 2011 on a blog that no one ever reads, but none the less, is a public place so that I'll at least have them written down, which will get me one step closer to accomplishing them. So if by chance you are the one sad soul that happens to stumble across my blog, don't be afraid to ask me how my goals are coming. I may even try and update more than twice in the year with my progress on them.
1. Compete in a Triathlon without drowning. (Already signed up for Women of Steel, women's only Triathlon, May 21.)
2. Run the Salt Lake City Half Marathon, beating my time from last year and coming in under 2 hours. (I know for some, finishing under 2 hours may be a walk in the park, but I was 56 seconds shy of it last year and it still bugs me!)
3. Keep from yelling at the kids. (please tell me I'm not the only mom that has a hard time with this. And if you don't, please give me some advice...please!!)
4. Eliminate sweets and treats/increase fruits and vegetables. (I did the sweats thing for three weeks once last year. I felt so much better, so I'm trying to bring my family in on this one. I've already told them dessert will be limited to Sundays and or sometimes Mondays after Family Home Evening.)
When setting a goal, one could look at trying to accomplish these things for an entire year is a big bite to take. But, to that I ask, how do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. I'll work on these things one day at a time, and after those days, find that working on them a week at a time, isn't such a big deal, then a month came pretty quick and before you know it, I'm writing down new resolutions for 2012.
So, here's to working towards a better year, and accomplishing those goals!
Posted by tclybb at 10:50 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 28, 2010
long overdue!!
Every time I come to my blog, I see the same picture that's been there for almost three months! I'm sorry. It seems as though my blog updating has become like my journal updating. The only time things get written down are when life is slow or I'm struggling with one thing or another. Lucky for anyone reading this, its neither. I'm just getting tired of looking at the picture that pops up.
Our lives have been busy, busy, busy since my last update. We ran our half marathon April 17th and the week after, Tyson and I left for Hawaii for six days! There isn't a day that goes by that I don't want to move there and stay there f.o.r.e.v.e.r! I have a picture on my desktop of Tyson and I with the ocean behind us and both of us will look at it and daydream for a minute.On Waikiki Beach at sunset.
At the Dole Plantation.
One of the sharks above the water from our shark dive. Yes, we dove with sharks.
The view from Marriott Vacation Club International in Honolulu. It was a paradise all itself! We could have stayed here the entire time and I wouldn't have complained one minute.
This is the picture on my computer when you start it up! You can see why we both want to go back! This was at the Ritz Carlton in Maui.
After our trip, we cam home and Tyler finished her first soccer season. She did really well. Her coach was great and was so patient dealing with a bunch of five and six year olds!
Oddly enough, even though her soccer games went through May, every single game was freezing and windy or rainy! That's why they are wearing coats as they are playing. Yes, this is the weather that Tyson and I walked off the airplane from Hawaii into. That was not a pleasant welcome back to reality!!
After Tyler's soccer, we celebrated her 7th birthday. I can't believe she's 7 already! She's getting quit the friend base and every time we go to the gym, she's introducing one friend or another from school to me. We didn't do a birthday party for her this year, because she had one last year, and I don't want to set a standard to expect a party every year. But I'd say she had a pretty good birthday despite the lack of a party. This year, the hot toy is Zuhzuh pets. Well, she got two of them for her birthday. I guess Charlie felt threatened by these little toys rolling around on the floor at his level. One day after coming home from the gym, I saw one of these pets clothing accessories on the floor and in my head thought, gee, that's too bad Tyler left her toy laying around and Charlie got to it. Later, as I was putting Jefferson down for a nap, I noticed two black plastic things and a pink thing. I knew exactly what had happened. Charlie got the the zhuzhu pet. This was not even 48 hours after Tyler's birthday, so these were her prized toys still. I remembered from the morning, Tyler put her zhuzhu pets in a basket in her room so they could take a nap while she was gone to school. Charlie has never been one to eat the kids toys unless they leave them outside. That morning, he skipped over all the other toys on the floor, and there were many, and went into her room and got that pet and tore its face apart! I couldn't help but get her another one. I know it doesn't set the best precedent, but it was a birthday present.
After Tyler's birthday, school got out. As I mentioned earlier, it was the coldest May ever, so it didn't seem like the final weeks of school. Both kids graduated on to the next grade with flying colors. Tanner now has three years of public education under his belt without a single absence.
Jake also graduated from his pre-school. He was pretty excited about that. It was a windy day, but fun none the less. They even gave him a birthday treat because his birthday is during the summer.
After a week or two into summer. I was beginning to notice a bit of a problem. Jefferson enjoys being outside. So do the older kids. However, the older kids didn't like playing in the back yard because of one reason or another. However, I can't continue on inside with my stuff if I let everyone go out front, because Jefferson doesn't know the difference between the sidewalk and the street. And the other kids can't be in charge of keeping him out of the street. So, I was finally able to talk Tyson into getting a trampoline. It's worked like I charm!! We've even had a night when the kids slept out on it. Not without the sprinklers turning on first though. :)
Then came Tyson's birthday and father's day. Both days, sad for Tyson, passed without a huge deal. But he's another year older and wiser too...well, the wiser part is debatable. He had his usual German Chocolate cake and was good to go. Unfortunately, we weren't able to take it up to his work like we've done in the past.
After Tyson's big days, came Jake's birthday. Toy Story 3 came out the day before his birthday so we decided since he hasn't had a birthday party, that we would invite three friends and take them all to the movie. He had a great time. He was a little confused as to why he's not five now. We celebrated his birthday on his birth date and his party was on a different day, so I can see where there would be confusion.
Jefferson celebrated his 2nd birthday a week and a half after that. I can't believe it took us four kids to realize that a two year old doesn't need hundreds of dollars spent on their birthday! He got a baseball tee and bat, a push car and bubbles and couldn't have been happier! Plus he got a great display of fireworks to celebrate his birthday...well, actually it was on the 3rd that we got the fireworks, but the whole weekend was a celebration. I can't believe he's two!! Those two years have flown by!
Which brings us to the present. Life is crazy, and we don't have a spare minute for anything, but we somehow seem to fit it all in. I left out some things, Tyler's dance recital, the ten things we crammed into the 4th of July weekend, the RAGNAR race I ran. Count your blessings I didn't do a minute by minute detail of our lives. You just got the major highlights.
Posted by tclybb at 10:12 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Salt Lake City Half Marathon
Before picture
We are now on the other side of our spring time half marathon. The rest of the day is not something I look forward to. Sure, it would be nice to come home and rest and take it easy, nice but unrealistic! With kids, life doesn't stop.
Carli came up and our ride picked us up at 5:45am. We got on trax about 6:15 and were crammed in there like sardines!! Once the race started, we all went our own pace and finished in our own times.
Tyson's time was 1:43:25
Camber's time was 2:00:39
Neither one of us met our goal, but Camber came closest to meeting hers. She wanted to finish under two hours. Guess that means we'll be running again next year.
We owe a HUGE thank you to Grandma Stauffer who came up and brought all three boys to cheer us on through our last mile. Grandpa Stauffer even rode his bike up to watch. Nothing is better than seeing a familiar cheering face as you round your last corner to a very long race!! Oddly enough, its somewhat emotional, for a reason I can't explain.
We also owe our great friend Becky our life for helping out with Tyler and her soccer game! Even though it would have been possible to take her and make it, our legs would have come off and clubbed us in the heads after 13.1 miles. THANK YOU BECKY!!!
Now that we're done with the race, next stop...HAWAII!! I'll post pictures when we get back. It's going to be great!!
Posted by tclybb at 3:08 PM 3 comments